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Conservation Commission Minutes 04/13/2009
Chichester Conservation Commission
Minutes of Meeting
April 13, 2009

Members present:  Bob Mann, Jeff Andrews, Zack Boyajian, Gordon Jones, Dawn Marshall and Secretary Jamie Pike.

Others Present:  Brandon Guida, Attorney for Camping World.

Chairman Mann opened the meeting at 6:16pm at Camping World, Map 3 Lot 10, Dover Road.

At the February 9th meeting, the Commission agreed to perform a site walk of the subject property in reference to a proposed easement.  Mr. Guida offered an overview of the history of the development of the site.  The Commission members walked the perimeter of the proposed easement.

Chairman Mann recessed the meeting a 6:44pm and called for the meeting to reconvene at the Town Hall.

Chairman Mann reconvened the meeting at 7:12pm.

Heritage Commission, Lucille Noel
Ms. Lucille Noel was present this evening as a representative of the recently authorized Heritage Commission.  Ms. Noel explained that the Heritage Commission will use education to make people aware of the resources available and will have a focus of maintaining the character of historic buildings and community.  Ms. Noel has been charged with recruiting members to join the Heritage Commission.  Mr. Mann and Ms. Marshall volunteered to join the Commission for one year.

Camping World, Map 3 Lot 10, Dover Road
Mike Seraikas was present to represent his client.  The Commission reviewed the presented easement plan and made note of the location of the proposed wetland area that is to be constructed.

The Commission discussed the assumption of the easement.  Mr. Mann mentioned that there were a large number of abutters which creates opportunity for easement encroachment.  It was also noted that there is no public access to the site.  Mr. Seraikas commented that easement monitoring would be easily accomplished due to the limited size of the easement.  Mr. Jones asked about the possibility of a donation to the Stewardship Fund by the client.  Mr. Andrews has concerns over the execution of the easement being timely.

Mr. Seraikas stated that the construction of the additional wetlands and the required plantings in the area as required by NHDES, and Mr. Seraikas also assured that the execution of the easement would be timely.  Mr. Andrews and Mr. Mann concurred that the easement does not meet the criterion established for accepting such.

A motion was made by Mr. Mann and seconded by Mr. Andrews to not accept the easement based on the criteria established in 2007.  Discussion ensued:
        Mr. Boyajian is fearful of adverse action on the part of the applicant and recommends amendment of the motion to accept the easement with a donation to the Stewardship fund.

        Mr. Jones stated that a monetary valued should be established to make the acceptance agreeable.

        Mr. Seraikas provided an estimate of $360.00 per year to monitor the easement.

        Ms. Marshall offered that it is important to protect any green space.

A call for a vote on the motion was made.  A roll call vote was taken.
                Robert Mann - Yea
                Jeff Andrews - Yea
                Gordon Jones - Nay
                Zack Boyajian - Nay
                Dawn Marshall - Abstained               
Motion Fails.

Mr. Boyajian estimated the cost of the easement monitoring for 50 years to be approximately $18,000.00.

Mr. Seraikas shall consult with his client and return to the Commission in May with an offer and a clear proposal.

Minutes and Correspondence

The minutes of March 9th were reviewed and a motion was made by Ms. Marshall and seconded by Mr. Mann to approve the minutes with minor typographical corrections.

Correspondence included Selectmenís Minutes, a pamphlet on river monitoring training, and information regarding the in lieu fee program.

The members discussed items to be included on a kiosk at the entrance, such items included an aerial photo of the area, historic photos, types of vegetation and rules for use of the area.  Mr. Pike presented a diagram and budget for a kiosk, the Commission chose to use a design similar to a kiosk in Concord.  A new budget will be introduced at the next meeting.  The members chose to build a rustic log bench along the shore line and all will meet at the next meeting at 5:30pm to construct this bench.

Master Planning Effort
The Recreation Commission has been reviewing methods to join the two master plan efforts.  There was also discussion concerning Carpenter Park and having the area topography surveyed for planning purposed and wanted to know if it would be OK with the Commission to do this surveying on the south side of the park area as well.  

A motion was made by Mr. Boyajian and seconded by Mr. Mann that the Conservation Commission would support topography and wetland delineation on the north and south side of Bear Hill Road portions of the park. Motion passes.

The website update is complete.

The Conservation easements will be reviewed on April 16th and 17th.

A motion was made by Mr. Andrews and seconded by Mr. Jones to support the Friends of the Suncook River and the Five Rivers Conservation through the purchase of memberships.  Motion passes.

The meeting was adjourned at 9:17pm.

Respectfully submitted,

Jamie A Pike

                                                        Approved as Written
Robert Mann, Chairman